Sunday, 29 August 2010

*Sneak preview: Hobbes' Cardboard Box Adventure*

Here's a sneak preview of a story that I'm working on about Hobbes and the adventures he has in his cardboard box - which is no ordinary cardboard box...

His box takes him to all sorts of places, on all sorts of adventures...
This is the start of just one of them...

Come back soon to see the full story!


Friday, 27 August 2010

Friday Treat Time!

Hurrah! Finally I'm posting a Friday Treat Time on a Friday!

Check out a special playlist I've made on Spotify for those of you who grew up/were teens/adults in the 80's!

Click on the image below to listen...

Enjoy - happy bank holiday weekend!


Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Wednesday Treat Time: Calvin & Hobbes

Ok, so this is a pretty late Friday Treat Time, I grant you, but I hope this treat is worth the wait (we were away on a short break)!

In celebration of our new kitty, Hobbes, here are some classic Calvin & Hobbes strips - double click on them to enlarge. Enjoy!


Sunday, 15 August 2010

Meet Hobbes the Kitten!

Today was a momentous day in the Bilbrough household - we welcomed our new kitten, Hobbes!

We travelled all the way into London, past Liverpool St Station, over London Bridge, past Elephant&Castle and over to Clapham Common to pick him up - he is a true London cat!

Heather, who has been looking after him fantastically well since he was very small, sent us off in style with a toy and some lovely food.
He didn't like the journey back much, but once he got to ours, he frisked, sniffed, poked and jumped his way around our home purring and chirruping at us.

We've had a few cuddles already - I received lots of licks and kisses - he loves burrowing into your neck for a nap, climbing on your shoulder and he cuddled Jon's leg for a while too!

Here are a few more pictures of him - he loves posing for the camera (and Jon takes great photos)!

Right now, he's snuggling up to me as I'm type, dozing about all the adventures he'll get up to.

But, have no doubt, you'll be hearing all about his adventures very soon!


Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Bert-ie in the Sky with Diamonds

Just catching you up on one of my characters many adventures - today, as it was sunny, breezy, but not too hot, they decided to go on a flying carpet ride!

Buttercup Bunny was the bravest - she flies on carpets all the time.
Pussy Cat Bleu found Bert's ears handy to hold on to when they had to swerve around pigeons who flew at them (not out of malice, but doziness).

Bert and Berta enjoyed seeing the different clouds that drifted past them - they saw turtle shapes, elephant shapes - and even one that looked like a giant standing in a cloudy meadow...

More adventures to come!


Button Lampshades & Damson Vodka

For a while now, my boring creamy coloured lampshade in my dining has been troubling me - how could I make it more interesting?

Well, I finally started work on it this weekend, by threading buttons into a red themed line...
...and added some feathers!
I'm going to add some more button threads and feathers, so it looks very bright and twinkling in the corner of my dining room :)

Also, Charlotte and I picked damson's in her mother in law's garden (Liz) who kindly let us forage!
I'm going to make some damson vodka or gin - check out a recipe I'm going to try here!
Here is the sum of our foraging:

Baskets and tubs full of damsons, some cooking apples and blackberries - its feeling more like a mini harvest festival looking at this!
I'm going to also try and make an apple and blackberry pie - YUM!

(Thanks to Charlotte for her lovely damson and fruit photos!)


Sunday, 8 August 2010

Sunday Treat Time!

Sorry this is late everyone!

A short and sweet treat - Jon sent me this little picture on Friday when I was having a busy stressful day - it made me smile!

* Bjork and Moomin *

I'm working on my water feature tomorrow - will be posting some snaps!


Monday, 2 August 2010

Night Time Boules

Woop - we got our 'pretty much brand new' Boules Set from a fabulous charity shop, St Francis Hospice (as found by Anna - thank you!), for a mere £20!

So tonight, Jon and I played 'Night Time Boules', with our Sun Jar lighting the garden for us (this is another recent purchase). It's magic - you leave it out in the sun in the day, and then it glows the 'suns rays' at night! Sunshine in your hands!

So, the game...

Jon was winning in the first 2 games, then I caught up and then over took him by 1 point...

...then Jon leveled with me: 5-5...

...but I won on the last game: 6-5!! You are meant to carry on until someone gets to 13 points - but it got too dark.

Jon consoled himself by posing French style with a Boule...

Ah, bien!
So two great buys this week - one that helps charity and the other helps the environment!
You can buy Sun Jar's here!

What summer games and purchases are you proud of/into?
