As sister Sue has a huge Elderflower tree in her garden we thought we'd have a go at making Elderflower Champagne! Photo credits to Charlotte Williams, who specialises in old looking photos!
All we needed was:
20 Elderflower heads...

...minus the stalks - just the flowers are needed!

Four lemons and a bag of caster sugar - as beautifully demonstrated by Sue...

Lots of boiling water, 4 tsp of white white vinegar, a bucket, jay cloths (to drain the flowers and lemons into a clear champagne liquid) and a tea towel to cover the bucket...

(Getting flowers in your hair is optional!)

After leaving it for a day, the champagne has now been poured into 8 bottles for 10 days! We found the recipe
here - and are having a go at making the cordial as well!
Can't wait to taste it! Jon and I are thinking of having a little summer soiree to share our 4 bottles...