Monday, 25 April 2011

* Bunting Make *

We hosted our Easter Sunday Feast yesterday for family and friends - and a celebratory feast isn't a celebratory feast without bunting! So we made some especially for the occasion and here it is in all its glory:

If you're interested, here is how we made it:


Step 1: Off we went to the Fabric Shop to get some scraps of material we'd like for our bunting - we brought 1/2 yard of fabrics we liked at about £1.50-3.00 each (Hobbes is standing guard over our fabric for us here):

Step 2: Then we got some white binding/ribbon 10 metres long from Hobbycraft for £1.50 (various markets sell this at different lengths possibly even cheaper than that).

Step 3: Jon cut a 'bunting' triangle shape out of some scrap cardboard and we drew around the triangle shape using felt tip pens across the fabrics:

Step 4: We cut them all out (sitting in the garden sunshine to do this)!

Step 5: I then used my sewing machine to attach the triangles in an order we liked to the white binding/ribbon:

...if you dont have a sewing machine, we've also used strong glue before that doesn't show through fabrics, which is even faster! As the bunting is hanging up high, you don't really notice the details - especially when there is a lot of it!

Happy bunting making!


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