Get some squares of felt in your favourite flower colours, and all the equipment in the photo below:

Using one of your pieces of felt, cut out petal shapes.
Draw around your circle of strong cardboard (which will be the base of your hair clip) onto another piece of felt, cut out and stick it onto the circle base with strong glue.
Stick your petals onto the back of your cardboard base with the strong glue, making sure they are secure and aligned how you want. Leave to dry!
Once all the petals have been glued together and left to dry completely, sew the hair clip onto the back of the flower, wrapping the thread around a number of times until you are happy the clip is secure.

..and here is the finished result!

Behind the scenes:
During the Flower Felt hair clip 'fashion shoot', I wanted to point out these beauties - ethical shoes by Terraplana made from recycled materials and quilts made by a community in Pakistan (brought in a sale, I hasten to add!):

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