Monday, 8 March 2010

Sister Sue's Amazing Crafty House!

Say hello to my sister, Sue, who is somewhat a dab hand with embroidery, quilting (and this is only her first try!), making cushions, being very patient (which I'm not at all!) & crafty as well as having an eye for beautiful things - and her home is full of them!

And here's just a sneaky peek...

Sue's First Quilt:

Sue spent a good while selecting her fabrics, all carefully gathered from her visits to markets, shows and shops, such as the Knit&Stitch Show and Liberties to name a few!

My favourite fabric is the sweetie wrapper (pink and white lines)!

Wondrous cushions:

This one took about 6 months - all tiny cross stitches!

I LOVE the fabric of this cushy - v. Britannia Country Chic!

Button Mirror Frame:
Sue spent ages sticking on lots of lovely buttons onto her old wooden mirror frame... It was worth it!

...And here are some of Sue's 'beautiful things'...

Little girl painted on a tambourine & mermaid postcard in frame were found in the lovely Made in Hastings shop and stall - beautiful!!!

Pretty Bottle Collection:

I'll be introducing some more of my friends and family who are fantastic crafty-arty folk soon (if they let me take photos of them...!)

Thanks to Sue for letting me take lots of photos of her (and Andrew's) home!


  1. Yay, I finally got to see the quilt! Looks fab Sue - and that Kiss cushion is beautiful too. Oh, and anything featuring many buttons = adorable for me!

  2. Beautiful things indeed! And a lovely blog Rosi.....
    ....wondering if your sister (or anyone else) might have any little left over scraps for the dreamcoat?!
